Sunday Holy Hour
Sunday Holy Hour: on the last Sunday of each month from 6pm and on each Sunday from 6pm during the Season of Advent and the Season of Lent.
Anointing of the Sick
In October the annual Mass for the Anointing the Sick will be celebrated and in November the annual Memorial Mass for those persons whose...
Parish Mass at Carfin Grotto
The Parish will fulfil its commitment to lead the Mass and the Evening Prayer at Carfin Grotto on 10th August and 5th September and all...
Supply Cover
During August and September Fr. Ness will be absent from the parish on several occasions for days at a time to let him spend time with...
Sacramental Preparation
The programme of Sacramental preparation for school children in P3, P4, P6 and P7 will resume of new on the first Sunday in August and...
Baptism Preparation
The programme of preparation of infants and young children for Baptism will resume on 2nd August when Sr. Breda and Betty Carmichael will...